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This page contains information for general practitioners on how to refer patients aged 16 years and over to Infectious Diseases services at Mater Hospital Brisbane
Catchment criteria applies for referrals for this service. Patient referrals from outside the Mater SEQ Catchment (which includes Metro South and West Moreton Hospital and Health Services) may not be accepted.
Please note that referrals for Hepatitis A, B and C should be referred via Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
How to send a referral
Suspected / Confirmed Encephalitis with presence of:
If requesting advice about body fluid exposure with the last 72 hours requiring post exposure prophlaxsis (PEP)
Pyrexia of unknown origin with presence of:
Proven or suspected travel related and tropical infections with presence of:
Proven or suspected Zoonotic Disease with the following features:
A pregnant women with the following features:
A refugee, migrant or asylum seeker with the following features:
Suspected or proven eye infections of acute onset or with visual compromise
Diagnosis or review of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Essential information (Referral will be declined without this)
Additional referral information (useful for processing the referral)
Other useful information for management (not an exhaustive list)
Available appointments are provided to our patients based on clinical priority. A process of categorisation ensures safety and equity of access.
Category 1 – urgent
Clinically recommended timeframe for initial appointment is 30 days
Category 2 - Priority
Clinically recommended timeframe for initial appointment is 90 days
Category 3 - Routine
Clinically recommended timeframe for initial appointment is 365 days
Recent hospital admission for joint infection or bone / joint surgical procedure related to infection
Current antibiotic use for the treatment of joint / bone / prostethic joint infection
Suspected myobacterial / gonococcal infection
Joint / bone / prostethic joint infection for which antibiotic treatment has been completed
No category 3 criteria
New diagnosis of HIV in pregnancy
New diagnosis of HIV
Known diagnosis of HIV not currently on anti-retroviral treatment
Known HIV on anti retroviral treatment with supressed viral load
All fevers or suspected infections in pregnant patients
No category 2 criteria
All fevers or suspected infections in asylum seekers, refugees and immigants
All suspected eye infections
Sputum AFB positive and HIV positive
Sputum AFB positive
Suspected Tuberculosis
Patient on anti-tuberculosis therapy initiated at another centre, requiring ongoing follow up
History of previous treated tuberculosis, currently asymptomatic requiring ongoing follow up
Suspected parasite infection
No Category 2 criteria
No Category 3 criteria
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin of any duration
Current acute skin infection
Skin infections in the setting of immunosupression
No current evidence of infection but history of recurrent skin infections
Positive syphilis serology
All fevers or suspected infections in returned travellers
All suspected zoonotic infections
Mater Health offers patients the opportunity to attend bulk billed clinics. To provide your patient with the opportunity to attend a bulk billed clinic, please provide a named referral to one of the specialists listed above.
If you would like to discuss a referral, including clinical criteria, or update the status of a current patient please contact our priority GP phone line on 07 3163 2200
We provide up to date data on how long patients are waiting for their first appointment by specialty here.
These Mater Referral Guidelines have been developed locally by GPs and specialists to support safe and quality referral to publicly funded specialist outpatient services.
Content last reviewed: 13 December 2023
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GP Maternity Shared Care Alignment - Seminar 2