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Time: 8am-1pm
Event description
Mater Mothers' GP Shared Care Alignment - Seminar 2 is a realignment option for GPs who have completed Seminar 1.
Topics include: preconception care and fertility,persistent pelvic pain , premature labour, ectopic pregnancy, infections in pregnancy and diabetes in pregnancy.
Prerequisite activity A short series of informative podcasts are a required pre-learning acitvity for this course. GPs are required to listen to approximately 40 minutes of podcasts by Mater specialists on the management of medical conditions in pregnancy (thyroid, hypertension, asthma, VTE, obesity and pregnancy after bariatric surgery). The link to these podcasts will be provided upon registration. GPs are required to complete Alignment 1 before participating in Alignment 2, 3 or 4, however may do 2, 3 or 4 in any order. Alignment needs to be renewed every three years.
Event registration Online registration to this event is essential. Please register here.
Mater Education offers additional clinical and professional development courses for practicing clinicians wanting to gain or further develop skills in specialty areas (fees apply).
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View full requirements to attend the Maternity Shared Care alignment program.