Mater Private Specialist Quick Find

Dr Jared Eisemann

Specialty: Infectious Diseases
Clinical interests: HIV, Infections immunocompromised patients, Refractory Helicobacter pylori infection
Mater Medical Centre
Suite 13, Level 6
293 Vulture Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101
Phone: 07 3255 0333
Fax: 07 3255 0133
Practices at: MPHB MPHS

Professor Paul Griffin

Specialty: Infectious Diseases
Clinical interests: General infectious diseases. Tropical medicine. HIV. Infections in immunocompromised hosts. Infection control and antimicrobial stewardship. Infections in pregnancy. COVID-19, Influenza, RSV and other respiratory viral infections. Long-COVID. Vaccination. Microbiome and faecal metagenomics. Medico-legal. Clinical Trials. Microbiology and Helicobacter pylori.
Brisbane Clinical Neuroscience Centre
Suite 1, Level 3
Salmon Building
Raymond Terrace
South Brisbane QLD 4101
Phone: 07 3163 3600   Fax: 07 3163 3601

A/Prof Joe McCormack

Specialty: Infectious Diseases
Clinical interests: HIV/AIDS; infections in immunocompromised hosts; and medical and surgical infections
UroMed South Brisbane
Suite 4.05, Level 4, Mater Private Clinic
550 Stanley Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101
Phone: 07 3255 0311
Fax: 07 3255 0322
Practices at: MPHB


MHB Mater Hospital Brisbane
MCPB Mater Children's Private Brisbane
MMH Mater Mothers' Hospital
MMPB Mater Mothers' Private Brisbane
MPHB Mater Private Hospital Brisbane
MPHR Mater Private Hospital Redland
MPHS Mater Private Hospital Springfield


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