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Mater Hospital Brisbane provides outpatient specialist appointments via the Mater Outpatient Specialist Clinics, across multiple specialties.
Catchment criteria applies to referrals for Mater Hospital Brisbane. Patients who reside outside the Mater SEQ Catchment (which includes Metro South HHS and West Moreton HHS) may not be accepted.
Mater uses a standard form to access these public clinics, which must be used for all referrals, and referral guidelines have been developed to provide clinic guidance for your referrals.
The following links provide access to tools and information to help guide patient referrals into the Mater Outpatient Specialist Clinic:
Referral forms
Referral guidelines
Waitlist times
Referral enquiries and technical support
For information on referrals, criteria, scheduled appointments or technical support for our templates we have implemented a GP Priority phone line: 07 3163 2200.
For questions or feedback regarding referrals to Mater Specialist Clinics email [email protected].
Providing local communities with access to integrated health care & services.
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GP Education, Maternity Shared Care Alignment Program and Events.
GP Maternity Shared Care Alignment - Seminar 2